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Thursday, May 24, 2012


我張一健願以你范子妤 為我合法妻子 無論富季貧困,快樂悲傷,健康疾病 都願意一生一世愛護你,守護­你,終生不諭。 你還猶豫什麼?擔心我會後悔?擔心我是一時衝動?擔心我要一輩子­照顧你? 其實結婚既誓詞,如果只係循例咁讀出嚟,係無意義,一定要實行落­去。 後生個陣,又靚又健康,當然"愛"啦,但係,當對方年紀漸漸大­­,又老又有皺紋,越來越多病痛,什至乎睇住對方老死...唔通咁­就唔­愛咩? 既然將來,唔會離棄對方,宜家都應該一樣。 如果因為對方有病就唔愛嘅,就唔係真正嘅愛。 無人知道生命既長短,就算我地做醫生既,都唔可以保證自己長命百­­歲。 所以結婚誓詞裡面無話到"百頭到老" 但係就要保證,無論健康疾­病,都要係埋一齊。 你明唔明呀:(       

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I just don't understand why a guy will like to keep all the secret inside his heart..

Hmm.. I just can't get the attitude with the male chauvinism with the guys around me.. Haha My dad just run into a car just now He's too confident with his driving skill That's the problem Sometimes guys are too male chauvinism They just can't listen to us Haha maybe it's all about face problem They just can't admit that a thing is their fault But somehow I just feel that it is a girl's duty to advise them For doing the right thing
on call 36 小时


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

好久没写blog了 很多故事 然而我很懒惰 哈哈 就说说最近吧 真的很忙 好想好好地休息 旅行 上次去petronas 的interview offer我的是enginerring 的course 去的时候很想拿到 结果现在拿到了 我却不想去 人就是这样 没有的时候很想拥有 得到了 才发现原来不是自己想要的